uninstall grammarly image

If Grammarly installed on your web browser or operating system. Then this tutorial will cover the uninstallation process of Grammarly from various platforms. here we will show you the step-by-step process of uninstalling Grammarly from different platforms.

1:- Uninstall Grammarly From Google Chrome:

grammarly chrome uninstall

1- Open Google Chrome web browser, then go to the green “G” icon on the browser top right corner of the webpage.

2- Now Right-click on the green “G” icon to view the options.

3- Click the “Remove From Chrome” option.

4- When the pop-up box will appear in front.

5- To complete Click on the “Remove” button to confirm.

2:- Uninstall or Disable Grammarly Safari Extension:

uninstall Grammarly from Safari

1- Open your Safari browser.

2- Click on Safari tab options and then Preferences.

3- Now click on the Extensions tab.

4- To disable the plugin Uncheck the Enabled box.

5- If you are trying to uninstall then click the Uninstall button.

6- Now Restart your browser when done.

3:- Removing Grammarly from firefox:

grammarly uninstall from firefox

1- Navigate to top right and click three-lined icons.

2- click the addons tab and select the Extensions panel

3- Now select the Grammarly add-on option.

4- Click the disable button for disabling the addon.

5- Click the remove button for complete removal of the addon.

6- Restart now if pops up appeared after that process is completed.

4:- Uninstall Grammarly from Microsoft Edge:

grammarly edge uninstall

1- Firstly open the Microsoft Edge browser.

2– Now Navigate to your browser’s menu option

3- select the Extensions panel.

4- Click Grammarly for Microsoft Edge option and select Uninstall.

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